K-12 Budget of Work (BOW) provides a definite list of lessons to be taught on a time schedule. 

           It will help the teachers to plan ahead of time and focus on the teaching time table. Thus, making the planning way a lot better. BOW is composed of competencies, skills, lessons objectives; and teaching strategies, activities and time allotment arranged into columns for easy reference and notation.
Lesson objectives/competencies are indeed the headlight of every teaching-learning process. Teachers will depend on these BOW's in preparing their Daily Lesson Logs. Constructing valuable plan is nevertheless challenging especially when you cannot pinpoint the necessary skills the students need to learn.
Learning competencies under K-12 are designed in spiral structure so teachers will be prepared to undergo planning on the delivery of each lesson abiding to the structure itself to continuously sharpen the skills as they go to the next grade level.  

Given the fact that the goal of learning through these competencies is to guarantee that more students learn what they are projected to learn, the method can also provide educators with more thorough information about student learning growth, which can help them more precisely identify academic strengths and weakness, as well as the specific concepts and skills students have not yet mastered. Since academic progress is often tracked and reported by learning standard in competency-based courses and schools, educators and parents often know more precisely what specific knowledge and skills students have acquired or may be struggling with. For example, instead of receiving a letter grade on an assignment or test, each of which may address a variety of standards, students are graded on specific learning standards, each of which describes the knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire.

While schools often create their own competency-based systems, they may also use systems, models, or strategies created by state education agencies or outside educational organizations. Competency-based learning is more widely used at the elementary level, although more middle schools and high schools are adopting the approach. As with any educational strategy, some competency-based systems may be better designed or more effective than others. Schools have transitioned to learning via competencies which brought great changes on the school operation and the way they teach their students. This has also applied impact to the educational philosophy and methods of instructions, grading, reporting, testing, instruction, and promotion.

It is commonly understood as an alternative to more traditional educational approaches in which students may or may not acquire proficiency in a given course or academic subject before they earn course credit, get promoted to the next grade level, or graduate. And since grades may be calculated differently from school to school or teacher to teacher, and they may be based on divergent learning expectations, it may be possible for students to pass their courses, earn the required number of credits, and receive a diploma without acquiring important knowledge and skills. In extreme cases, for example, students may be awarded a high school diploma but still be unable to read, write, or do math at a basic level.
Listed below are the available to download budget of works. Select your grade level and start downloading for free.

BUDGET OF WORK (BOW) by Grade Level

Grade 6 Budget of Work

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K-12 BUDGET OF WORK (UPDATED) K-12 BUDGET OF WORK (UPDATED) Reviewed by Anonymous on August 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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