NEW!! 2nd Quarter SUMMATIVE TESTS All Subjects-All Grades

Navigate below this page to find and download the summative test in your grade or subject. We only organize and post the submitted files to us to share it with our fellow teachers and somehow help in preparing their lessons/tests to lessen their workload. Thus, we give full credits to the rightful owners of these files. Feel free to modify and improve each document you download whenever you feel necessary.

Summative test is conducted every after the set of interconnected lessons or after each unit. Primarily, this is to measure whether the learners have gained or learned each lesson goal, learning standards, and learning competencies as stated on the curriculum guide. Quality assurance of each summative test is of high priority because the result can easily be void if it is not congruent to what is written on the CG and/or teaching plan. Formative test on the other hand is more specific and shorter than of the summative test. FT can be given every after a lesson in finished to assure the quality of a competency that have recently taught. With summative test, teacher measures a suffice set of competencies and how well learners can keep on carrying it until it becomes useful. Preferably, ST should be explicit and not over-prepared. Learners can be intimidated when the material presented to them is composed with words and questions which are not yet in their vocabulary or understanding. Challenging questions however are highly encouraged to be included to gauge the HOTS of the learners.

This kind of test can give, not only the teachers but also the parents, a valuable understanding and concrete information on what the learners have learned in a specific learning timeframe. The result of this can also be utilized for the preparation of the next teaching plans of the teachers. As for the parents, they can be more vigilant to watch over their children and focus on the subjects and skills that need more improvement. Giving the children the support they need can potentially help them in soaring high in their learning journey. For the learners, this can set up a momentum and keep on rolling positively to their goals and for the challenged learners it can be used as a motivation to pursue the better way of studying and learn from their mistakes. Overall, summative tests are very useful and helpful to the learners and to all concerned individuals to stay on track and move toward a common educational goal that is to have a higher quality of education in our country.


Grade 1 Summative Tests

Grade 2 Summative Tests

Grade 3 Summative Tests

Grade 4 Summative Tests

Grade 4 Summative Test � ENGLISH 2nd Quarter

Grade 5 Summative Tests

Grade 6 Summative Tests

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NEW!! 2nd Quarter SUMMATIVE TESTS All Subjects-All Grades NEW!! 2nd Quarter SUMMATIVE TESTS All Subjects-All Grades Reviewed by Anonymous on September 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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