WEEK 1 -3rd Quarter DLL (October 29 - October 31, 2018) ALL GRADES Updated!!

We are on the first week of 3rd academic quarter for this school year 2018-2019. Two quarters have gone by and for sure most of our learners are on fire to boost their academic performance since they are half way in completing their grade levels.

On the other hand, teachers are also and always on track of their teaching performance specially the RPMS-PPST has been introduced and explained already by their school districts. We, teachers, have always been in pursuit of better academic/teaching performance so that we can deliver what the nation and the department have been longing for so many years and that is providing real quality education throughout the country.
Undeniably, having ready-made teaching materials/resources/references like Daily Lesson Logs or DLL's have huge positive impact to us teachers that we can focus more on the delivery of the lessons and lessen the time of preparation. It is however asked and suggested to scan and improve the materials you find and download here to better fit your learners and learning atmosphere.

This website does not claim ownership of the following files, we only provide the service of connecting these files to you our fellow-teachers. All credits and gratitude are given to all the rightful owners/authors/contributors of these files. We urge you to do the same so can spread the help to our co-teachers.

IMPORTANT: To be updated by the latest DLL's and other materials it is best to like our Facebook Page (click here) and share it so you can help others too. Thank you from DepEdClick Team!!

ALSO: Bookmark our website to make it easy for you to return and find your most needed file.
WEEK 1 -3rd Quarter DLL (October 29 - October 31, 2018) ALL GRADES Updated!! WEEK 1 -3rd Quarter DLL (October 29 - October 31, 2018) ALL GRADES Updated!! Reviewed by Anonymous on October 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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