WEEK 9 -2nd Quarter DLL (October 8 - October 12, 2018) ALL GRADES Updated!!

Lesson planning serves as an integral part of successful teaching and learning process. Sure it is sometimes easy to teach with only what�s on your mind at the time being but nothing beats a teaching backed up with a conducive plan that ignites the potential of every learner.

Teachers with lesson plan ensures that the lessons and skills being taught to the learners are aligned and similar to other learners across the country. This way, not only we transfer the necessary skills they need to have but we also uplift the entire nation�s standard of education simultaneously.

Under K-12 Basic Education Curriculum, educators/teachers are instructed to make use of Daily Lesson Logs (DLL) instead of traditional Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP). Many teachers were relieved from spending numerous hours in Lesson Planning and spend little time to design each DLL.

It is with these very reasons we decided to help you lessen your preparation time in lesson planning by providing you with ready-made daily lesson logs. We hope that in this way you can manage a lot more things necessary in your profession. You can download the DLL's you need, go through it, scan and skim it, then decide whether it can be used as ease or you can do modifications to it the way your learners can be taught effectively. For the love of teaching! Salute!

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WEEK 9 -2nd Quarter DLL (October 8 - October 12, 2018) ALL GRADES Updated!! WEEK 9 -2nd Quarter DLL (October 8 - October 12, 2018) ALL GRADES Updated!! Reviewed by Anonymous on October 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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