Click on the image and download it for FREE. Again, our deepest appreciation to the owner/author/contributor of these reading materials in the person of Ma'am Kristine Bernadette F. Dimacali. Our website is only here to connect you with these useful and effective files which we know will be of great help to you, our fellow teachers.
Obtaining a successful teaching-learning process can be a result of learners who are able to read well and comprehend well in most cases. Providing full effort and assistance to our learners/readers are always in place in a school day to day basis. For as long as we extend our heart and hand to our struggling or slow reader learners we can inject improvement to their reading skills and hopefully by the end of the school year all our learners are good readers.
Below we have managed to bring you these attractively made FABLES which are truly helpful in our own reading program. And aside from that, learners will enjoy with these interesting stories/fables as it can grow as well their imagination skills. Please help us reach more of our fellow teachers by sharing the link of our website.
Click on the image and start your FREE DOWNLOAD.
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FABLES (Reading Materials) Good Quality Stories
Reviewed by Anonymous
November 18, 2018

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