In here you will find FREE FILIPINO READING MATERIALS (Babasahing Pambata) which you can download. This site does claim ownership of these files but rather provide you the service of making these available for your convenience. Full credits are given to the rightful owners/authors/contributors. Please do the same by sending us your shareable teaching resources/materials so we can help our fellow teachers more for the love of teaching.

Reading improvement is always been our priority because we know that when learners are able to read well and comprehend better it can channel them to more and more learning possibilities. Passionately, we often do what we can to help them improve their reading and comprehension skills through available reading materials and tools. And obviously enough, they learn to read Filipino reading materials first before the English ones.

Reading improvement is always been our priority because we know that when learners are able to read well and comprehend better it can channel them to more and more learning possibilities. Passionately, we often do what we can to help them improve their reading and comprehension skills through available reading materials and tools. And obviously enough, they learn to read Filipino reading materials first before the English ones.
To give them the side of enjoyment while improving their reading skills, we are able to organized, through our generous contributor, these Filipino reading materials which we believe will be of great help to them.
(Babasahing Pambata)
Ang Alaga (Download)
Ang Batang Masunurin (Download)
Ang Galing ng Aydol Ko! (Download)
Ang Po at Opo (Download)
Ang Saranggola (Download)
Batang Magalang (Download)
Damit (Download)
Gayahin ang Gagamba (Download)
Habulan, Hilahan (Download)
Kalabaw (Download)
Kay Gandang Araw (Download)
Mamang Sorbetero (Download)
Mang Hugo (Download)
Mga Laruan (Download)
Mumunting Inakay (Download)
Pagkamakabayan (Download)
Pamilya (Download)
ALSO: Bookmark our website to make it easy for you to return and find your most needed file.
(Babasahing Pambata)
Ang Alaga (Download)
Ang Batang Masunurin (Download)
Ang Galing ng Aydol Ko! (Download)
Ang Po at Opo (Download)
Ang Saranggola (Download)
Batang Magalang (Download)
Damit (Download)
Gayahin ang Gagamba (Download)
Habulan, Hilahan (Download)
Kalabaw (Download)
Kay Gandang Araw (Download)
Mamang Sorbetero (Download)
Mang Hugo (Download)
Mga Laruan (Download)
Mumunting Inakay (Download)
Pagkamakabayan (Download)
Pamilya (Download)
IMPORTANT: To be updated by the latest DLL's and other materials it is best to like our Facebook Page (click here) and share it so you can help others too. Thank you from DepEdClick Team!!
ALSO: Bookmark our website to make it easy for you to return and find your most needed file.
Reviewed by Anonymous
November 05, 2018

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