Click on the link provided below to view and start your download for free. These materials were submitted to us by an anonymous contributor. Our deepest appreciation to the rightful owner of these files. Please be a contributor too so we can add more teaching materials and be a help to our fellow teachers who are struggling in making these materials.
Learners are, as of today, still in the way beginning reading need to have various reading materials for them not to lose focus and interest in what they are doing. Also, those who are still struggling or those are considered as slow readers need to bring in more focus and attention as well as the teachers in providing them necessary help and assistance in developing their reading skills and cope up with the others. Below, you can use these materials in your reading intervention. Just click on the link and download all for free.
O, P Reading Material (click to download)
Y, Z Reading Material (click to download)
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IMPORTANT: To be updated by the latest DLL's and other materials it is best to like our Facebook Page (click here) and share it so you can help others too. Thank you from DepEdClick Team!!
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Beginning and Remedial Reading (Alphabet Sounds)
Reviewed by Anonymous
December 10, 2018

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