The Department of Education proves that they are after the welfare of the teachers as well. This is due to the significant developments in teachers� compensation and other benefits from 2016 to 2018 as part of its commitment to expand the scope of employee welfare � a priority in the 10-point agenda of Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones. Kindly read the portion from the official DepEd's press release regarding the expected bonuses and improvement of allowances. Also, we have put the link the complete press release below for you read.
�By providing them with opportunities for personal and professional growth, continuously finding ways to expand the scope of their welfare and boost the management of their finances, and ensuring that their work conditions gradually improve by reviewing and simplifying systems and processes, we empower our teachers to grow into the kind of educators that they are meant to become and that our learners deserve,� Briones stated.
Allowances, bonuses
In December 2018, teachers are expected to receive a bonus amounting to P3,000 each, in time for the anniversary of the Department.
The chalk/cash allowance, the amount given to teachers for purchase of chalks, erasers, and other classroom supplies and materials, has steadily increased in the past two years � from P1,500 in 2016 to P2,500 in 2017, and P3,500 this year. DepEd is eyeing and working to further increase the said allowance before the end of 2018.
In 2018 alone, the Department has likewise allotted a total of P2,152,162,000 for special hardship allowance granted to teachers who are assigned in hardship posts (cannot be reached by regular means of transportation); handle multigrade classes; carry out mobile teaching functions; and serve as Alternative Learning System (ALS) coordinators.
Honoraria � the additional compensation for government personnel performing activities or discharging duties in addition to, over, and above their regular functions � are given to qualified teachers subject to availability of funds. This year, a total of P299,025,000 was allocated exclusively as compensation for teaching overload or for those whose teaching loads exceed six hours per day of actual classroom teaching.
In 2019, DepEd anticipates the approval of its proposed special bonus of P1,500 that each teacher is set to receive on October 5.
�A teacher�s worth cannot be overemphasized, nor such worth can be matched with any amount, but this additional bonus is just one of the many improvements the Department is working on as part of its commitment to expand the scope of employee welfare, and we thank the Senate of the Philippines for giving us its support to include this in our 2019 General Appropriations Act,� Secretary Briones remarked.
See the DepEd's press realease:
SOURCE: Department of Education (
�By providing them with opportunities for personal and professional growth, continuously finding ways to expand the scope of their welfare and boost the management of their finances, and ensuring that their work conditions gradually improve by reviewing and simplifying systems and processes, we empower our teachers to grow into the kind of educators that they are meant to become and that our learners deserve,� Briones stated.
Allowances, bonuses
In December 2018, teachers are expected to receive a bonus amounting to P3,000 each, in time for the anniversary of the Department.
The chalk/cash allowance, the amount given to teachers for purchase of chalks, erasers, and other classroom supplies and materials, has steadily increased in the past two years � from P1,500 in 2016 to P2,500 in 2017, and P3,500 this year. DepEd is eyeing and working to further increase the said allowance before the end of 2018.
In 2018 alone, the Department has likewise allotted a total of P2,152,162,000 for special hardship allowance granted to teachers who are assigned in hardship posts (cannot be reached by regular means of transportation); handle multigrade classes; carry out mobile teaching functions; and serve as Alternative Learning System (ALS) coordinators.
Honoraria � the additional compensation for government personnel performing activities or discharging duties in addition to, over, and above their regular functions � are given to qualified teachers subject to availability of funds. This year, a total of P299,025,000 was allocated exclusively as compensation for teaching overload or for those whose teaching loads exceed six hours per day of actual classroom teaching.
In 2019, DepEd anticipates the approval of its proposed special bonus of P1,500 that each teacher is set to receive on October 5.
�A teacher�s worth cannot be overemphasized, nor such worth can be matched with any amount, but this additional bonus is just one of the many improvements the Department is working on as part of its commitment to expand the scope of employee welfare, and we thank the Senate of the Philippines for giving us its support to include this in our 2019 General Appropriations Act,� Secretary Briones remarked.
See the DepEd's press realease:
SOURCE: Department of Education (
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Expected Bonus for Teachers this December 2018
Reviewed by Anonymous
December 11, 2018

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