Dapat nga bang ibalik ang GMRC?

The subject, GRMC, aims to instill in the minds of youth the respect for self, others and seniors as well as the appreciation for patience, persistence, honesty and good intent of interactions with other people.

1-Ang Education party-list Representative Salvador Belaro urged to bring back the teaching of Good Manners and Right Conduct or GMRC subject under K to 12 curriculum.

According to Belaro, it is very timely to teach the youth the right behavior especially honesty, being balanced and long patience.

Under House Bill 6705 or the Revival of Good Manners and Right conduct Act of 2017, it will set the GMRC as a separate subject in the basic education curriculum.

He explained, the crucial role of social commitment that should begin at home, school and even on the streets especially in compliance with traffic regulations and rule of law.  Under the K to 12 program, the GRMC was removed as a regular subject and integrated into other subjects instead.

Dapat nga bang ibalik ang GMRC? Dapat nga bang ibalik ang GMRC? Reviewed by Anonymous on March 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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