Salary Increase of Teachers to be Released via EO

March 15, 2019 - President Duterte signed the Executive Order No. 76 which will push the release of the 4th tranche of the salary of all government workers especially teachers.

This EO directs the funding requirements for the salary increase to be charged to GAA from the fiscal year 2018 as reenacted.

“Due to the re-enactment of the FY 2018 GAA, there is a need to identify an appropriate funding source to cover the requirements for the implementation of the fourth tranche compensation adjustment for civilian government personnel scheduled in 2019 under EO No. 201,” Pres. Duterte said.

Salary Increase of Teachers to be Released via EO Salary Increase of Teachers to be Released via EO Reviewed by Anonymous on March 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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