Strict Implementation of 6-Hour Workday for Teachers

DepEd reiterates that all public school should be strictly implementing the "6-Hour Workday" for teachers following the Civil Service Commission (CSC) Resolution No. 080096 issued in 2008. They stretched that teachers are not excluded from the 8-Hour Workday but they are lawfully allowed to render the other 2 hours at home or in any places they prefer doing school-related stuff like making instructional materials and alike for as long as they render 6 teaching hours at schools.

The statement also recalls the following key points which are also included in the DepEd Memo No. 291 s. 2008:

  • Teachers who choose to render the remaining two hours of work outside the school premises must not be subjected to salary deductions.
  • Teachers should not be required to submit means of verification (MOVs) as proof of services completed during the remaining two hours of work rendered outside the school premises.

Meanwhile, the Teachers Dignity Coalition (TDC) has again called on to Department of Education (DepEd) as to when will be the release of the guidelines in implementing the standardized six-hour workday.

Strict Implementation of 6-Hour Workday for Teachers Strict Implementation of 6-Hour Workday for Teachers Reviewed by Anonymous on March 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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