These READY-TO-PRINT alphabet flashcards are available for you to download. Just click on the download button below to get your direct copy. We have arranged it in MS Word format so it will be easier for you to download and print when you need it. Our gratitude to the rightful owner of these files and to our depedclick teacher-contributor.
Alphabet knowledge is essential for learning to read and spell in English (Adams, 1990; Ehri, 1987, 1998). Along with oral language and phonological awareness, it represents one of the most important emergent literacy skills acquired by young children (Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998). Children’s alphabet knowledge has long been deemed one of the best predictors of later word reading ability (e.g., Adams, 1990; Hammill, 2004; Scarborough, 1998; Schatschneider, Fletcher, Francis, Carlson, & Foorman, 2004). Likewise, failure to acquire such knowledge is an important indicator of risk for later reading difficulties (e.g., Gallagher, Frith, & Snowling, 2000; O'Connor & Jenkins, 1999; Torppa, Poikkeus, Laakso, Eklund, & Lyytinen, 2006).

New Alphabet Flashcards
Alphabet knowledge is essential for learning to read and spell in English (Adams, 1990; Ehri, 1987, 1998). Along with oral language and phonological awareness, it represents one of the most important emergent literacy skills acquired by young children (Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998). Children’s alphabet knowledge has long been deemed one of the best predictors of later word reading ability (e.g., Adams, 1990; Hammill, 2004; Scarborough, 1998; Schatschneider, Fletcher, Francis, Carlson, & Foorman, 2004). Likewise, failure to acquire such knowledge is an important indicator of risk for later reading difficulties (e.g., Gallagher, Frith, & Snowling, 2000; O'Connor & Jenkins, 1999; Torppa, Poikkeus, Laakso, Eklund, & Lyytinen, 2006).
Reviewed by Anonymous
May 03, 2019

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