3 Alternative Ways for Classroom Observations and its Guidelines (RPMS SY 2020-2021)

General Guidelines for the RPMS Alternative Classroom Observation

The alternative classroom observations for RPMS is considered only for SY 2020-2021 due to the absence of or limited capacity for face-to-face learning.

Table 5. Alternative classroom observations and their corresponding guidelines

Alternative Classroom Observations


1. Online observation

• This applies to teachers who will adopt online synchronous learning regardless of the number of classes and learners

2. Observation of a video lesson

• Consider this mode of observation when option 1 is not possible.


• This applies to teachers who will adopt online asynchronous learning in any of their classes and learners.


• A video lesson must have been used in lesson delivery as part of the supplementary materials or as one of the learning materials for online asynchronous learning. It is not the same as the video lesson for TV-based instruction.


• A video lesson must be SLM-based or MELC-aligned. A teacher can use any recording device to record herself/himself while teaching a lesson.


• A video lesson can be stored in a cloud (e.g., Google Drive) or any storage device (e.g., flash drive), or uploaded to an online classroom (e.g., Google Classroom) or a Learning Management System

3. Observation of a Demonstration teaching via Learning Action Cell (LAC

• Consider this mode of observation when options 1 and 2 are not possible.


• This applies to teachers who will adopt pure modular learning (print/digital), radio-based instruction, and Tvbased instruction.


• In DepEd’s BE-LCP in the time of COVID-19, “a support mechanism shall be established for teachers and school leaders to have access to relevant on-demand technical and administrative advice and guidance which come in many forms…including professional learning communities through the LAC” (DepEd Order No. 12, s. 2020, p. 41). In support of this mechanism, the LAC policy states that school LAC “primarily functions as a professional learning community for teachers that will help them improve practice and learner achievement” (DepEd Order No. 35, s. 2016, p. i).


• This may be the best time to use LAC as an opportunity for the ratee to show performance of the RPMS objectives and for both ratees and observers to discuss collegially strategies to improve the teaching and learning processes especially in addressing challenges in learning delivery brought by the pandemic.

There should be 2 classroom observations for the entire school year. Hence, ratees should submit 2 classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheets/inter-observer agreement forms as MOV for objectives that require such (i.e., Objectives 1, 5, and 7). The alternative classroom observations should follow this timeframe:

• CO 1 – between January and March 2021
• CO 2 – between April and May 2021

Source: MEMORANDUM DM-PHROD-2021-0010

Complete RPMS-PPST TOOLS & FORMS for TI-III & MTI-IV (SY 2020-2021)



Weekly Home Learning Plan


Activity Sheets


Summative Tests


Performance Tasks


New Normal E-Class Records




Grade 1 Worksheets


Grade 2 Worksheets


Grade 3 Worksheets


Grade 4 Worksheets


Grade 5 Worksheets


Grade 6 Worksheets


3 Alternative Ways for Classroom Observations and its Guidelines (RPMS SY 2020-2021) 3 Alternative Ways for Classroom Observations and its Guidelines (RPMS SY 2020-2021) Reviewed by Anonymous on February 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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