On this page you will find the list of updated Teacher�s Guides for Grade 2 that are available to download for free. Making use of these TG�s will surely bring convenience to you so you can have ample time to focus more of the teaching execution.
Teacher�s Guides are made to be followed during the teaching-learning process. It is undeniably a very powerful material that we can follow along with our learners to go through each lesson properly. It provides the whole teaching-learning process from start to finish. Learning objectives, materials, references, skills to master, and the learning activities down to the evaluation and homework are all indicated in a teacher�s guide.
Here the is an example of a Teacher�s Guide for Grade 2 that brings convenience to us teachers and focus more on the execution. Below you find more of these for different subject areas.
TOPIC: Counting and Telling the Value of a Set of Bills or a Set of Coins through 100 in Combinations of Pesos and Centavos (Peso and Centavo Coins Only)
OBJECTIVE: Count and tell the value of a set of bills or a set of coins through 100 in combinations of pesos and centavos (Peso and Centavo Coins Only)
1. Counting and telling the value of a set of bills or a set of coins through 100 in peso (coins only, bills only, coins and bills)
2. Counting and telling the value of a set of coins and a set of bills through 100 in centavo
1. Learning Module
2. Illustrations
3. Flashcards
4. Activity cards/sheets of sets of money
5. Play money
6. Empty bottles and boxes of milk, oil vinegar etc
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill � Do this as group activity. Let each group bring out their baon (money). Make sure that the money is properly accounted. Play �Bring Me�. The first group to bring what is asked will earn point. Say: Bring me 200 centavos. Continue the process and reward the group that has earned many points.
2. Review Group the pupils. Let them count the money in their activity card either in peso or in centavo. The assigned reporter will tell the value of the set of money assigned to them.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation � Simulate buying in a �Sari-sari Store� Give each group a set of coins (peso and centavo) of different value. (If possible, there should be more 5 centavos)
2. Presentation Show different denominations of money which is equal to P8.35.
Let the class read the money. Then add the corresponding value of each denominations then the total value which is P8.35.
Present the pictorial representation of the money.
Ask: How much pesos were there in P 8? How much centavos were there?
If we combine the peso and centavo, how much is the total value?
Note: Teach the pupils how to read P8.35.
3. Reinforcing Activity - Refer to LM 81
4. Application � Refer to LM 81
5. Generalization
EVALUATION Count the following set of coins below. Tell their value to your teacher.
TG Grade 2 ARALING PANLIPUNAN: 1st Quarter
TG Grade 2 ARALING PANLIPUNAN: 2nd Quarter
TG Grade 2 ARALING PANLIPUNAN: 4th Quarter
TG Grade 2 ARTS
TG Grade 2 ENGLISH: 1st Quarter
TG Grade 2 ENGLISH: 2nd Quarter
TG Grade 2 ENGLISH: 4th Quarter
TG Grade 2 ESP: 4th Quarter
TG Grade 2 FILIPINO: 1st Quarter
TG Grade 2 FILIPINO: 2nd Quarter
TG Grade 2 FILIPINO: 4th Quarter
TG Grade 2 MAPEH: 1st Quarter-4th Quarter
TG Grade 2 MATH: 1st Quarter-4th Quarter
TG Grade 2 MTB: 1st Quarter
TG Grade 2 MTB: 4th Quarter
TG Grade 2 MTB Tagalog: 2nd Quarter
TG Grade 2 MUSIC
TG Grade 2 PE
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Reviewed by Anonymous
July 30, 2018

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