This page listed down some available to download updated Teacher�s Guides for Grade 3 that you can have and use for free. We only ask however, that you take a little time to validate each Teacher�s Guide you download to make sure that it fits your learners� level of learning and blend on your learning atmosphere.
Teacher�s Guide, as we teachers know, is a very powerful material that we can follow along with our learners to go through each lesson properly. It provides the whole teaching-learning process from start to finish. Learning objectives, materials, references, skills to master, and the learning activities down to the evaluation and homework are all indicated in a teacher�s guide.
Here the is an example of a Teacher�s Guide for Grade 3 that brings convenience to us teachers and focus more on the execution. Below you find more of these for different subject areas.
A. Follow and explain processes.
B. Identify letter sounds that appropriately complete some words.
C. Blend letter sounds to read/form a word.
D. Segment letter sounds in a word.
E. Recognize sentences and non-sentences.
F. Use English words in spoken and written expression.
G. Propose several predictions about text.
H. Make choices about which texts to read based on prior reading experience.
A. Domains of Literacy /Skills:
1. Oral Language:
� Following and explaining processes.
2. Phonological Awareness:
� Knowing all letter sounds.
Focus � soft and hard /c/ and /f/ from gh and ph
� Blending letter sounds to read/form a word.
� Segmenting letter sounds in a word.
3. Phonics and word recognition:
� Knowing all letter sounds.
Focus � soft and hard /c/ and /f/ from gh and ph
4. Grammar:
� Recognizing sentences and non-sentences.
5. Vocabulary:
� Using English words in spoken and written expression.
6. Listening Comprehension
� Proposing several predictions about text.
7. Attitude towards language, literature and literacy
� Making choices about which texts to read based on prior reading experience.
B. References: K to 12 BEC Guide
C. Materials: Big book, graphic organizer, word cards
Story: A Trip To Candon City by: Mary Jane T. Ganggangan
D. Theme: Me and My Family
E. Value Focus: Obedience
A. Preliminary Activities
Pre-Reading Phase
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Say: I have here sentences with underlined words. Try to give the meaning of each.
1.) School children enjoy summertime as they will have ample time for fun and play.
a. school days b. weekends c. long vacation
2.) A seaman considers a vastocean as an ordinary site.
a.narrow b. huge c. deep
3.) A vat is used when cooking for a big occasion.
a. a big pan b. a pot c. kettle
4.) Our trip to Palawan was fun-filled.
a. vacation b. tour c. training
5.) Our province has delicious delicacies we can be proud about.
a. native foods b. frailty d. local heroes
2. Activating Prior Knowledge
Ask: What did you do last summer?
3. Developing the Purpose for Reading
� Show a picture of a family getting ready for a trip.
Ask: What are they doing?
Where do you think the family is going?
What do you think they will bring?
� Motive Question
Did the family enjoy the trip?
B. Development of the Lesson
While Reading Phase
1. Read the whole story,� A Trip To Candon City� from beginning to end by the teacher.
2. Reading the story using DRTA approach.
(Asking question like, �What do you think will happen next?)
Post Reading Phase
1. Do the processing of answers in a prediction chart.
2. Comprehension check
1) Who went on a trip?
2) What did they see along the way?
3) Where can we find the best calamay?
4) How did Carlos feel when he dipped his hand into the vat?
5) What made Carlos dip his finger into the vat?
C. Enrichment Activity
Infusion of Values:
If you were Carlos, what advise can you give to others would you also do the same thing? Why? Why not?
D. Assignment
In your journal write your experiences in one of your trips
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Reviewed by Anonymous
July 30, 2018

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