We have here sets of Teacher�s Guides available for you teachers to download and use for free. It is however suggested, that you take a little time to validate each Teacher�s Guide you download to make sure that it fits your learners� level of learning and blend on your learning atmosphere.
For us teachers, TG is a very powerful material that we can follow along with our learners to go through each lesson properly. It provides the whole teaching-learning process from start to finish. Learning objectives, materials, references, skills to master, and the learning activities down to the evaluation and homework are all indicated in a teacher�s guide.

(For English 4)
I. Objectives
A. Expressive Objectives
1. Realize the importance of clouds in the formation of rain
2. Appreciate the importance of rain to make plants grow
3. Realize the importance of helping others overcome problems and difficulties
B. Instructional Objectives
Listening Comprehension: Note details by asking / answering questions about a story / poem listened to
Oral Language: Listen to and answer questions about a story read / listened to
Reading Comprehension: Identify the important story elements such as setting, character, and plot Infer the moods or feelings of the character based on what he / she says or do
Oral Reading Fluency: Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words Read words that end with �s correctly
Identify and use the s-form of the verb
Writing Composition
Write a friendly letter following the correct format
Attitude towards literacy, literature and language
Listen attentively and react positively
Subject Matter
A. Topics
Song : Rain Song Cloud Song (to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Poem : Little Cloud by Eric Carle (1996) Scholastic Inc, USA
Story : Mushroom in the Rain by Mirra Ginsburg (1974) (Pictures by Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey) Aladdin Paperback, New York
Realize the importance of clouds in the formation of rain Note details by asking / answering questions about a story/poem listened to Listen to and answer questions about a story read/listened to
Refer to LM, Sing and Learn.
A. Pre-listening Activities
1. Unlocking of Difficult Words (using context clues and demonstration)
2. Motivation
Ask children to look at the sky (if possible, bring the class outdoor for a clear view of the clouds in the sky. If not, have children look out the window.) Have them sing the cloud song as they watch the clouds. Ask: �What shapes of clouds do you see in the sky? Name them.�
3. Motive Question
Say: �What shapes did the little cloud form according to the poem?� �Listen as I read to you the poem Little Cloud by Eric Carle.�
Present big book of the poem and talk about the title, author, artist, and do a quick browse of the pictures in the book.
B. During Listening Activities
v First reading of the poem by the teacher
v Second reading of the poem by the teacher
v Shared reading of the poem with the class.
Refer to LM, Read and Learn, Little Cloud by Eric Carle Comprehension Questions:
Refer to LM, Talk About It
1. Teaching/Modelling Refer to LM, Find Out and Learn
2. Guided Practice
3. Independent Practice
Activity: Reader�s Theatre
v Divide the class into 4 groups. Explain what a Reader�s Theatre is. Model reading using the first stanza of the poem. Have the entire class practice reading the stanza with proper expression.
v Assign two stanzas of the poem for each of the groups for the Reader�s Theater.
v Have the entire class do the Reader�s Theater.
(This type of TG for English can last 3-4 days depending on the suggested time duration)
TG Grade 4 ARALING PANLIPUNAN: 2nd Quarter
TG Grade 4 ENGLISH: 2nd Quarter
TG Grade 4 EPP: 1st Quarter
TG Grade 4 EPP: 2nd Quarter
TG Grade 4 ESP: 4th Quarter
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Reviewed by Anonymous
July 30, 2018

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