PERIODICAL TEST (PT) GRADE 4 SY 2018-2019 Updated!!

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            Periodical test or quarterly examination is a traditional yet still effective and fair way to measure the one�s knowledge for a particular time table or at every end of a quarter. The test is thoroughly prepared in accordance to the budget of work and curriculum guide.

Language is the basis of all communication and the primary instrument of thought. Thinking, learning, and language are interrelated. Language is governed by rules and systems (language conventions) which are used to explore and communicate meaning. It defines culture which is essential in understanding oneself (personal identity), forming interpersonal relationships (socialization), extending experiences, reflecting on thought and action, and contributing to a better society. Language, therefore, is central to the peoples� intellectual, social and emotional development and has an essential role in all key learning areas.

Language is the foundation of all human relationships. All human relationships are established on the ability of people to communicate effectively with each other. Our thoughts, values and understandings are developed and expressed through language. This process allows students to understand better the world in which they live and contributes to the development of their personal perspectives of the global community. People use language to make sense of and bring order to their world. Therefore, proficiency in the language enables people to access, process and keep abreast of information, to engage with the wider and more diverse communities, and to learn about the role of language in their own lives, and in their own and other cultures.


The world is now in the �Knowledge age� where the challenge of education is to prepare learners to deal with the challenges of the changing world. Students in this age must be prepared to compete in a global economy, understand and operate complex communication and information systems, and apply higher level thinking skills to make decisions and solve problems.

The Language Arts and Multiliteracies Curriculum (LAMC) addresses these needs. This is the rationale why Mother Tongue, Filipino and English follow a unified framework which allows easy transition from acquiring and learning one language to another.

The curriculum has different components. Each component is essential to the learners� ability to communicate effectively in a language leading them to achieve communicative competence and multiliteracies in the Mother Tongue, Filipino and English. The diagram on page 2 shows that the heart and core of LAMC is making meaning through language and aims to develop graduates who are communicatively competent and multiliterates.

Component 1 illustrates learning processes that will effect acquisition and learning of the language. It explains the HOW of language learning and therefore serves as guiding principles for language teaching.

Component 2 describes knowledge and skill areas which are essential to effective language use (understanding of cultures, understanding language, processes and strategies) which will be developed through language arts (macro-skills).

Component 3 shows the interdependence and interrelationships of the macro-skills of the language (listening, speaking and viewing; reading, viewing and responding; writing and representing) and the development of thinking skills (critical thinking, creative thinking and metacognition) allowing students to make meaning through language.

Component 4 explains the holistic assessment of the Language Arts and Literacy Curriculum which serves as feedback of its effectiveness to students, teachers, school administrators, and curriculum developers.   

---Source: Department of Education, Philippines



PT Araling Panlipunan 4: 1st Quarter
PT English 4: 1st Quarter
PT EPP 4: 1st Quarter
PT ESP 4: 1st Quarter
PT Filipino 4: 1st Quarter
PT MAPEH 4: 1st Quarter
PT Mathematics 4: 1st Quarter
PT Science 4: 1st Quarter


PT Araling Panlipunan 4: 2nd Quarter
PT English 4: 2nd Quarter
PT EPP 4: 2nd Quarter
PT ESP 4: 2nd Quarter
PT Filipino 4: 2nd Quarter
PT MAPEH 4: 2nd Quarter
PT Mathematics 4: 2nd Quarter
PT Science 4: 2nd Quarter


PT Araling Panlipunan 4: 3rd Quarter
PT English 4: 3rd Quarter
PT EPP 4: 3rd Quarter
PT ESP 4: 3rd Quarter
PT Filipino 4: 3rd Quarter
PT MAPEH 4: 3rd Quarter
PT Mathematics 4: 3rd Quarter
PT Science 4: 3rd Quarter


PT Araling Panlipunan 4: 4th Quarter
PT English 4: 4th Quarter
PT EPP 4: 4th Quarter
PT ESP 4: 4th Quarter
PT Filipino 4: 4th Quarter
PT MAPEH 4: 4th Quarter
PT Mathematics 4: 4th Quarter PT Science 4: 4th Quarter

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PERIODICAL TEST (PT) GRADE 4 SY 2018-2019 Updated!! PERIODICAL TEST (PT) GRADE 4 SY 2018-2019 Updated!! Reviewed by Anonymous on August 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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