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Children at beginning reading can show interest in all words associated to the material being used. It is important that we teach them the importance of reading and make reading a joyful activity and experience. Challenges at this reading period for kids shall not be ignored and thus need to be dealt with to extinguish any learning obstacles.
Synonyms and Antonyms are important lessons our children need to learn. It ignites the sense of word association that will give them meaningful control to phrases and sentences for effective communication. You will also notice that common words will be much appreciated after learning synonyms and antonyms. There will be an increase of interest and eagerness to language usage upon acquiring these skills which can be more practical in real life conversations.
Teachers, on the other hand, shall be vigilant on the process of delivering these skills since children can act and use undesirable words which can be harmful to others.
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ANTONYMS and SYNONYMS (Ready-to-Print) High Quality!!
Reviewed by Anonymous
November 01, 2018

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