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We, teachers, should feel motivated in doing our daily teaching tasks including lesson planning. In our times today, the learning styles of our students are apparently different from each other and therefore brings extra challenge for us to cater them. It is of great impact that teachers in this modern era have also developed a way to connect with one another to share their teaching materials and extend help in teaching-learning process itself. Using the social media as a platform to connect with the entire teaching community is a huge step taken and is now being beneficial to most teachers.
We, teachers, should feel motivated in doing our daily teaching tasks including lesson planning. In our times today, the learning styles of our students are apparently different from each other and therefore brings extra challenge for us to cater them. It is of great impact that teachers in this modern era have also developed a way to connect with one another to share their teaching materials and extend help in teaching-learning process itself. Using the social media as a platform to connect with the entire teaching community is a huge step taken and is now being beneficial to most teachers.
WEEK 5 - 3rd Quarter DLL (Daily Lesson Log) November 26 - November 30, 2018 (UPDATED - NEW!!)
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ALSO: Bookmark our website to make it easy for you to return and find your most needed file.
WEEK 5 -3rd Quarter DLL (November 26 - November 30, 2018) ALL GRADES Updated!!
Reviewed by Anonymous
November 23, 2018

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