On the rising prices of basic commodities, teachers are also hurt knowing that they once more have to tighten up their belts to cope up with this financial crisis. DepEd, on the other hand, is doing its part in allocating higher funds in bonuses and allowances, yet most teachers are practically battling for the salary increase which they truthfully deserve.
Every teacher�s simple request is to have higher salary to match the fast changing society. Here are some of the reasons, based on the teachers we interviewed, on why the teacher�s salary should be increased:
1. Expenses in Teaching Materials
Yes, we do appreciate the chalk allowance being given to us, but it does not compensate the efforts and money we generously give just to provide necessary teaching materials especially when the school heads are on to monitoring and class observations. For some regions and districts, they haven�t received yet the K-12 materials like LM�s and textbooks so they take money from their pockets in finding ways to have it. Modernization of our education is on its way thru the DCP�s and it is a good thing, but teachers cannot wait that long when learners are in deep need of experiencing these modern way of learning. So teachers bring in even their personal gadgets for their learners to use.
Most, if not all, teachers are dedicated in their day to day teachings. With the working hours set by the DepEd, it seems like teachers still cannot find ample time to prepare their lesson plans and teaching materials to be used on the next day and so they tend to extend their working hours while some bring their works at home.
As simple as it sounds, we all are aware that teachers are commonly assigned to numerous roles. Some are well compensated while most are not. Teachers wanted to focus on their main function that is to provide and deliver quality education among our young Filipino learners which is also the main goal of the government.
Obviously enough, teachers are paid way lower than the other government employees. We don�t want to compare but looking at the weight of work we provide in everyday basis, teachers are equivalently and sometimes working way more than the others.
5. Coping with Inconvenient Infrastructures
City schools and private schools are undoubtedly experiencing the edge of having comfortable and safe school buildings/classrooms. But moving on to the far flung areas is a different story. Classes are often happening under the trees, condemned buildings, makeshift rooms, or anywhere teachings can be possible. With this, teachers are exerting extra fold of efforts, time, and money to somehow cope up with their current situations. If only the government is seeing, experiencing these tremendous scenarios, maybe they will be opting to take actions as quickly as possible.
6. Stressful Teaching Atmosphere
Urban areas like city schools and congested schools are, more often than not, more stressful to teach than of the rural places. Being in this modern era, children now-a-days are so energetic and some are so stubborn. Teachers have to face this every single day they go to school with over populated class and unfriendly outside community. I think it is about time to bring in some good news by increasing the salary so that their stress can somehow be lessened.
7. Distance of Schools
Yes, some teachers are teaching in a nice and well located areas, where commuting is not a problem. But for those who are sacrificing numbers of hours and maximum efforts to cross rivers and mountains for them to reach their assigned schools, this is something the government should look after too. Hardship allowances are good, but for the whole school year and 5 days a week teachings, we don�t think that is enough.
Every teacher�s simple request is to have higher salary to match the fast changing society. Here are some of the reasons, based on the teachers we interviewed, on why the teacher�s salary should be increased:
1. Expenses in Teaching Materials
Yes, we do appreciate the chalk allowance being given to us, but it does not compensate the efforts and money we generously give just to provide necessary teaching materials especially when the school heads are on to monitoring and class observations. For some regions and districts, they haven�t received yet the K-12 materials like LM�s and textbooks so they take money from their pockets in finding ways to have it. Modernization of our education is on its way thru the DCP�s and it is a good thing, but teachers cannot wait that long when learners are in deep need of experiencing these modern way of learning. So teachers bring in even their personal gadgets for their learners to use.
Photo courtesy of elmifermetures.com
2. Exceeding Working HoursMost, if not all, teachers are dedicated in their day to day teachings. With the working hours set by the DepEd, it seems like teachers still cannot find ample time to prepare their lesson plans and teaching materials to be used on the next day and so they tend to extend their working hours while some bring their works at home.
Photo courtesy of NAMC Montessori Teacher Training Blog
3. Over-WorkedAs simple as it sounds, we all are aware that teachers are commonly assigned to numerous roles. Some are well compensated while most are not. Teachers wanted to focus on their main function that is to provide and deliver quality education among our young Filipino learners which is also the main goal of the government.
Photo courtesy of ABS-CBN News
4. Teachers Salary is Lower than Other Gov�t EmployeesObviously enough, teachers are paid way lower than the other government employees. We don�t want to compare but looking at the weight of work we provide in everyday basis, teachers are equivalently and sometimes working way more than the others.
5. Coping with Inconvenient Infrastructures
City schools and private schools are undoubtedly experiencing the edge of having comfortable and safe school buildings/classrooms. But moving on to the far flung areas is a different story. Classes are often happening under the trees, condemned buildings, makeshift rooms, or anywhere teachings can be possible. With this, teachers are exerting extra fold of efforts, time, and money to somehow cope up with their current situations. If only the government is seeing, experiencing these tremendous scenarios, maybe they will be opting to take actions as quickly as possible.
6. Stressful Teaching Atmosphere
Urban areas like city schools and congested schools are, more often than not, more stressful to teach than of the rural places. Being in this modern era, children now-a-days are so energetic and some are so stubborn. Teachers have to face this every single day they go to school with over populated class and unfriendly outside community. I think it is about time to bring in some good news by increasing the salary so that their stress can somehow be lessened.
7. Distance of Schools
Yes, some teachers are teaching in a nice and well located areas, where commuting is not a problem. But for those who are sacrificing numbers of hours and maximum efforts to cross rivers and mountains for them to reach their assigned schools, this is something the government should look after too. Hardship allowances are good, but for the whole school year and 5 days a week teachings, we don�t think that is enough.
Photo courtesy of GMA Network
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6 Reasons Why Teachers Deserve Salary Increase
Reviewed by Anonymous
December 15, 2018

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