To show continuous support and effort of the Department to increase the quality of Education in our country, it has been evident again when the proposed budget for 2019 was approved during the interpellation last December 11, 2018 led by Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones, and budget sponsor Sen. Bam Aquino which lasted in less than an hour.
Annalyn Sevilla, DepEd Undersecretary Finance-Budget and Performance Monitoring, stated that teachers can expect more increases in bonuses and allowances this coming year of 2019.
Following the anniversary bonus worth P3,000 for each teacher which will be given this December of 2018, an increase in chalk allowance from P3,500 per teacher to P5,000 in 2019.
(Photo Courtesy of DepEd Philippines Facebook Page)
She also addressed the issue salary increase which she elaborated that the department is giving its maximum effort for it to be materialized and that our department is quite big in scope so it is truly a challenge.IMPORTANT: To be updated by the latest DLL's and other materials it is best to like our Facebook Page (click here) and share it so you can help others too. Thank you from DepEdClick Team!!
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DepEd Budget for 2019: APPROVED
Reviewed by Anonymous
December 14, 2018

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