Clothing Allowance, Mid-Year Bonus, Cash Allowance, Salary Differential FY 2019

The Office of the Undersecretary for Finance of DepEd has released this Memorandum OUF-2019-0063 (PAYMENT OF CLOTHING ALLOWANCE, MID-YEAR BONUS, CASH ALLOWANCE AND SALARY DIFFERENTIAL FOR FY 2019)

For the information and guidance of all concerned, the schedule of payments of Clothing Allowance, Mid-Year Bonus, Cash Allowance and Salary Differential of 4th Tranche-Salary Standardization Law (SSL) for FY 2019 are as follows:

Clothing Allowance, Mid-Year Bonus, Cash Allowance, Salary Differential FY 2019 Clothing Allowance, Mid-Year Bonus, Cash Allowance, Salary Differential FY 2019 Reviewed by Anonymous on April 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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