Total Amount of Allowances and Bonus to Receive by Teachers before June 2019

This is a simple computation of how much a teacher shall receive before June of 2019. This is based on the clothing allowance, mid-year bonus, and cash allowance which all public school teachers are entitled to receive.

Clothing Allowance
P6, 000
Mid-Year Bonus
(Computed as Teacher I)
- this may vary -
Cash Allowance
P3, 500
P30, 254

Please take note that this does not include yet the salary differential for the new salary table for 2019 under SSL which took effect on January 2019. It will be computed based on your salary grade and step increment and by how many months the government owed it to us in a salary differential.
Total Amount of Allowances and Bonus to Receive by Teachers before June 2019 Total Amount of Allowances and Bonus to Receive by Teachers before June 2019 Reviewed by Anonymous on April 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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