Good news to all GSIS members and pensioners! The online loan application is now open via their official website for those who are interested in availing as announced by State Pension Fund President and General Manager Rolando Ledesma Macasaet on March 27, 2020.
To clarify, this online loan application is only available for Consolidated Loan (Conso-Loan), Policy Loan, and Pension Loan – not for Emergency Loan.
Below is the official announcement regarding this matter and the proper procedure for this online loan application:
Online loan application now open for GSIS members, pensioners
State pension fund President and General Manager Rolando Ledesma Macasaet today announced that the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) is now accepting online loan applications via the GSIS website.
To apply for a loan, GSIS members and pensioners need only to download and fill out an application form from the GSIS website (via and submit it electronically to an email address designated by GSIS for a particular area.
Aside from the application form, GSIS borrowers also need to submit an electronic copy of their GSIS temporary or UMID card, their valid ID (with picture and signature), and their photo holding the duly accomplished application form.
“GSIS is exerting all efforts to ensure uninterrupted service delivery to our members and pensioners. This online loan application process is just one of the proactive measures we are taking to serve the urgent financial needs of our members and pensioners during this time of crisis,” Macasaet said.
Macasaet clarified, however, that for now, GSIS is accepting online applications only for Consolidated Loan (Conso-Loan), Policy Loan, and Pension Loan – not for Emergency Loan.
“I will be making an announcement regarding the Emergency Loan at a later date, perhaps in early April,” Macasaet said.
Under the Conso-Loan Program, regular active members are qualified for the loan if they have at least 20 months of paid premiums. They may borrow an amount equivalent to three times their monthly salary, which is payable in six years.
When this salary loan program was enhanced, those who have at least 15 years of paid premiums may borrow up to 12 times their monthly salary, while those with at least 25 years of premium payment are eligible for a 14-month loan. The loan is payable up to 10 years at 12% interest rate per annum.
Under the Policy Loan Program, qualified active members may apply for a loan amount equivalent to the cash value of their life insurance policy. They may avail of this loan, which bears an 8% interest rate, if they are insured for at least one year.
Under the Pension Loan Program, old-age pensioners can borrow up to six times their basic monthly pension but not exceeding Php100,000, depending on their age. The loan will be paid within two years at 10% interest per annum.
To know more about how to apply for a GSIS loan online, interested members and pensioners may either call the contact center at (02) 8847.4747, or check out the website of GSIS ( and its official Facebook page (
Courtesy: Government Service Insurance System
Online Loan Application for GSIS members and pensioners, NOW OPEN
Reviewed by Anonymous
April 01, 2020

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