For Teaching Personnel, a maximum of six (hours) teaching load and two (2) hours for teaching related activities shall be considered as a regular working hours per day.
Teaching Hours. Sec. 13 of RA 4670 otherwise known as The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers. Any teacher engaged in actual classroom instruction shall not be required to render more than six hours of actual classroom teaching a day, which shall be so scheduled as to give him time for the preparation and correction of exercises and other work incidental to his normal teaching duties: Provided, however, that where the exigencies of the service so require, any teacher may be required to render more than six hours but not exceeding eight hours of actual classroom teaching a day upon payment of additional compensation at the same rate as his regular remuneration plus at least twenty-five per cent of his basic pay.
Source: RA 4670 � The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
"Section 11. Conditions for the grant of maternity leave. - Every woman in the government service who has rendered an aggregate of two (2) or more years of service, shall, in addition to the vacation and sick leave granted to her, be entitled to maternity leave of sixty (60) calendar days with full pay.
"Maternity leave of those who have rendered one (1) year or more but less than two (2) years of service shall be computed in proportion to their length of service, provided, that those who have served for less than one (1) year shall be entitled to 60-days maternity leave with half pay.
"It is understood that enjoyment of maternity leave cannot be deferred but should be enjoyed within the actual period of delivery in a continuous and uninterrupted manner not exceeding 60 calendar days.
"Section 13. Every woman, married or unmarried, may be granted maternity leave more than once a year. - Maternity leave shall be granted to female employees in every instance of pregnancy irrespective of its frequency."
"Section 14. Every married or unmarried woman may go on maternity leave for less than sixty (60) days. - When a female employee wants to report back to duty before the expiration of her maternity leave, she may be allowed to do so provided she presents a medical certificate that she is physically fit to assume the duties of her position.
"The commuted money value of the unexpired portion of the leave need not be refunded and that when the employee returns to work before the expiration of her maternity leave, she may receive both the benefits granted under the maternity leave law and the salary for actual services rendered effective the day she reports for work.
"Section 17. Maternity leave of a female employee with pending administrative case. - Every woman employee in the government service is entitled to maternity leave of absence with pay even if she has a pending administrative case.
"Section 18. Maternity leave of contractual employees. - All contractual female employees whether or not receiving 20% premium on their salary shall be entitled to maternity leave benefits like regular employees in accordance with the provisions of Section 11 hereof."
Married male teachers are entitled for 7 days leave.
Applicable only on the birth of the first four children of the legal wife.
SEC. 51. Application for Vacation Leave. All applications for vacation leave of absence for one (1) full day or more shall be submitted on the prescribed form for action by the proper head of agency five (5) days in advance, whenever possible, of the effective date of such leave.
SEC. 53. Application for Sick Leave. All applications for sick leave of absence for one full day or more shall be made on the prescribed form and shall be filed immediately upon employee�s return from such leave��
Teaching personnel may be allowed to have leave of absence using their accrued Service Credits.
Source: Rule XVI of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Title I, Subtitle A, Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987
For Teaching Personnel, a maximum of six (hours) teaching load and two (2) hours for teaching related activities shall be considered as a regular working hours per day.
Teaching Hours. Sec. 13 of RA 4670 otherwise known as The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers. Any teacher engaged in actual classroom instruction shall not be required to render more than six hours of actual classroom teaching a day, which shall be so scheduled as to give him time for the preparation and correction of exercises and other work incidental to his normal teaching duties: Provided, however, that where the exigencies of the service so require, any teacher may be required to render more than six hours but not exceeding eight hours of actual classroom teaching a day upon payment of additional compensation at the same rate as his regular remuneration plus at least twenty-five per cent of his basic pay.
Source: RA 4670 � The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
"Section 11. Conditions for the grant of maternity leave. - Every woman in the government service who has rendered an aggregate of two (2) or more years of service, shall, in addition to the vacation and sick leave granted to her, be entitled to maternity leave of sixty (60) calendar days with full pay.
"Maternity leave of those who have rendered one (1) year or more but less than two (2) years of service shall be computed in proportion to their length of service, provided, that those who have served for less than one (1) year shall be entitled to 60-days maternity leave with half pay.
"It is understood that enjoyment of maternity leave cannot be deferred but should be enjoyed within the actual period of delivery in a continuous and uninterrupted manner not exceeding 60 calendar days.
"Section 13. Every woman, married or unmarried, may be granted maternity leave more than once a year. - Maternity leave shall be granted to female employees in every instance of pregnancy irrespective of its frequency."
"Section 14. Every married or unmarried woman may go on maternity leave for less than sixty (60) days. - When a female employee wants to report back to duty before the expiration of her maternity leave, she may be allowed to do so provided she presents a medical certificate that she is physically fit to assume the duties of her position.
"The commuted money value of the unexpired portion of the leave need not be refunded and that when the employee returns to work before the expiration of her maternity leave, she may receive both the benefits granted under the maternity leave law and the salary for actual services rendered effective the day she reports for work.
"Section 17. Maternity leave of a female employee with pending administrative case. - Every woman employee in the government service is entitled to maternity leave of absence with pay even if she has a pending administrative case.
"Section 18. Maternity leave of contractual employees. - All contractual female employees whether or not receiving 20% premium on their salary shall be entitled to maternity leave benefits like regular employees in accordance with the provisions of Section 11 hereof."
Married male teachers are entitled for 7 days leave.
Applicable only on the birth of the first four children of the legal wife.
SEC. 51. Application for Vacation Leave. All applications for vacation leave of absence for one (1) full day or more shall be submitted on the prescribed form for action by the proper head of agency five (5) days in advance, whenever possible, of the effective date of such leave.
SEC. 53. Application for Sick Leave. All applications for sick leave of absence for one full day or more shall be made on the prescribed form and shall be filed immediately upon employee�s return from such leave��
Teaching personnel may be allowed to have leave of absence using their accrued Service Credits.
Source: Rule XVI of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Title I, Subtitle A, Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987
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Teaching Hours and Leave Privileges of Teachers
Reviewed by Anonymous
December 31, 2018

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